
What You Need to Know about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Disability

Safe, affordable, and reliable access to sexual and reproductive health services is an important thing for anyone engaging in sexual activity, and it is something everyone needs to talk about, and it is especially important to make sure disability is considered in the conversation. As we have mentioned before, the existence of disability does not…

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Ms. Wheelchair Michigan 2014 Shares Journey to Parenthood

Are you a person with a disability who has ever wondered whether or not you would one day become a parent? Ms. Wheelchair Michigan 2014, Kelsey Kleimola, shares her journey to parenthood.

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What Does it Take to Live a Life Without Limits?

Here’s the personal story of Ula, who has challenges due to cerebral palsy as well as the normal ups and downs common to many people with and without disabilities. Her secret to living a life without limits? Taking care of herself and pursuing the things that make her happy, rather than focusing on other’s expectations.

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